At the cross section of science and fiction - the physics of Star Trek & Co

maandag 21 februari 2022 20:30-21:45, Virtuelles Clubhaus, Onlinemeeting auf der Internetplattform Zoom, 8000 Zoom

Julia Schaper is educated in physics, graduated from Heidelberg University and works in the field of advising companies how to transform their business. Since 2015 her focus is on project management with interdisciplinary teams. In particular, she helps clients to manage and benefit from the digital transformation across all their platforms and channels. 

This will be held in English. 

Meeting agenda this time: Start at 20:30 with a 10 minutes live ceremony of our DG partner Club Tijuana Agua Caliente Club (no breakouts this time); followed by the start of our talk at 20:45.


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