OceanSafe - Textile Alternativen welche die Ozeane nicht belasten
maandag 19 februari 2024 20:00-21:00, Virtuelles Clubhaus, Onlinemeeting auf der Internetplattform Zoom, 8000 Zoom
Website: https://www.oceansafe.co/detail/about-us
Sprekers: Manuel Schweizer - Founder of OceanSafe AG
OceanSafe AG is a Swiss material science company committed to put the principles of the circular economy to practice.
We develop synthetic textile alternatives to replace conventional textile materials. Our proprietary materials are designed for biodegradation and recyclability. They are safe for consumers and do not contain harmful substances like toxicants or heavy metals.
As such, our technology addresses the textile industry’s most pressing environmental problems.
Manuel Schweizer, Founder
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