E-Mobility outside the passenger car world. Ein Beitrag von Marc Moser (Huber + Suhner AG)
måndag 28 februari 2022 20:30-22:00, Virtuelles Clubhaus, Onlinemeeting auf der Internetplattform Zoom, 8000 Zoom
Talare: „E-Mobility outside the passenger car
- About
Huber+Suhner AG and Automotive
- EV
Marketplace beyond Tesla, ID3 and Co.
- The
Market Is Changing
- MegaTrends of
electrification and beyond
- Q&A
Zu meiner Person,
Marc Moser, 1974
Wohnort; 8330 Pfäffikon ZH.
Verheiratet mit Sara, Kinder
Marcio (16) und Leana (13)
Hobbies; Unihockey, Schwimmen, Mountainbiking, …
Militär; discharged in 2017,
Oberleutnant Panzer Leopard und später Planungsstab der Armee.
2019 Executive Master of Business Administration
(EMBA) in Business Engineering
2003 NDS Business Engineer (Marketing)
2000 Elektronik Ingenieur Studium am NTB in Buchs
1994 Lehre als Audio Videoelektroniker
2021 Huber+Suhner AG Pfäffikon ZH, Vice
President Strategy and Business development, Automotive
2019 Huber+Suhner AG Pfäffikon ZH, Market Manager LF Automotive,
2011 Huber+Suhner AG Pfäffikon ZH, Produkt Manager LF
2007-2011 Huber+Suhner Inc Chicago USA, Sales RF Automotive for North America / Field
Application Engineer for Motorola
2003 Huber+Suhner AG Herisau AR, Produkt Manager HF Automotive,
2001 Huber+Suhner AG Herisau AR, Projekt HF Automotive,
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